
My main goal is to gather (hopefully every month) the EVT information I run into (conferences, books, projects, jobs). Philippe Naveau

mardi 3 juin 2014

A new blog on extremes (thanks Andrea)

Coming events:
The 9th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis will take place at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor during the week of June 15-June 19, 2015.

- LSCE/IPSL (near Paris, in France) is opening three 2-year positions (starting in September 2014) on studying climate extreme events and their relation to climate change. These positions cover research on event attribution and interpretation, as well as data analysis and processing methods, and visualizations / representations of extreme events in the context of climate change. contact

mardi 29 avril 2014

Coming wokshops

- For those interested in statistics and climate, a workshop of weather generators in Avignon (France), Sep 15-17, 2014
- Symposium "Extremes 2014" Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover/Germany, October 6/7, 2014
- the slides of the Workshop RARE & EXTREME supported by ANR PERTURBATIONS from monday 24 march to friday 28 march 2014 are now available


- 3-year PhD fellowship on "Return period modeling of extreme surface rainfall in a mediterranean mountainous region (Cévennes-Vivarais) "  in statistics at the Laboratory for the study of Transfers in Hydrology and Environment (LTHE), University of Grenoble, France. Contact Juliette BLANCHET juliette.blanchet at

-  a Post-doc Position inProbability and/or Statistics applied to Actuarial Science and Climate Science at the Institute of Financial Science and Insurance (Lyon), contact Esterina Masiello  esterina.masiello at

mardi 18 mars 2014

Coming events

  •  "Extreme Value Theory and Laws of Rare Events", CIRM Luminy/Marseille from 14th-18th July 2014
  • Workshop on Environmental Modeling (extremes included) .  September 8–12, 2014, in Garching (near Munich). contact Michael Ghil <>.

Job announcements

Two year research engineer at LSCE (France) on "Attribution et Interprétation des événements extrêmes", contact Robert Vautard <>

18-month postdoctoral position at Météo France (Toulouse, France), on the "Attribution of extreme weather events". contact Aurélien Ribes <>

18-month postdoctoral position at LTHE et IRSTEA, EDF : modélisation des pluies extrêmes. contact Juliette Blanchet <>

vendredi 3 janvier 2014