
My main goal is to gather (hopefully every month) the EVT information I run into (conferences, books, projects, jobs). Philippe Naveau

jeudi 12 septembre 2013

Sep 2013

After a long and busy summer (EVA in Shanghai and IMSCE in Korea and other conferences),  this Fall and Winter appear to be also very active in terms of extremes:

Extreme Flood Events (in french): de l’étude de l’aléa à la gestion du risque pour les ouvrages hydrauliques, Lyon, 13-14 novembre  2013

A call for a special issue on extremes for the SII Statistics and its Interface journal

The journal Weather and Climate Extremes has its first issue

A special issue on copulas with a few articles on extremes in the journal of the SFDS society

The 2nd VALUE training school "statistical and dynamical downscaling of extreme events", will be held from 21 October to 1 November 2013 in Trieste, Italy

CRAG – IRGC Symposium, 20-22 Nov 2013, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland